Drawn 1 & 2
Woven inked paper, 4' x 6', 2014
Drawn 3
Woven inked paper, 4' x 5' x 7', 2014
Drawn 4
Woven inked paper, 12" x 16" x 2 ", 2014
Drawn 5
Woven inked paper, 3' x 10' x 2 ", 2015
clogged 1
inked mesh, paper and hair, 4" x 5", 2014
clogged 2
inked cheese cloth, paper and hair, 4" x 5", 2014
clogged 3
inked paper and hair, 4.5" x 5", 2014
clogged 4
inked cheese cloth, paper, plaster and hair, 3" x 5", 2015